19 June 2020

Why quality is so important?

We choose pellets to protect the environment, our health and, of course, boilers. However, this is not always the case. Pellets made of pure sawdust and shavings have many advantages. It is a natural and safe fuel, convenient in use.
What’s most important, is that it does not generate smog and does not increase the CO2 content in the atmosphere.
But what will happen if OSB, MDF, MFP- board waste is used for pellet production? Pellets with an admixture of the above components are harmful to health, pollute the environment and very quickly destroys the boiler. When burning boards (also in the form of pellets), chemical compounds are released that have a negative effect on the respiratory system. They can also cause cancer.
Domestic / factory boilers do not have chimney filters, therefore the combustion of such fuel is highly dangerous. Pellet from wood-based boards additionally reduces the boiler’s efficiency, emits 10 times more carbon monoxide, large amounts of sulfur oxide and nitrogen dioxide. These compounds contained in ash and exhaust gases irreversibly destroy people’s hearth and the boiler.

What to look for when buying pellets?
Look for pellets in specially marked packages..
Check on the packaging who the fuel producer is and whether they have appropriate certificates (ENplus A1, DINplus). Important – certificates should include the manufacturer’s number.
Do not buy pellets of unknown origin in packaging that does not bear the manufacturer’s name or logo.
4. Check fuel parameters on the packaging. Good pellets have a calorific value above 18 500 kJ / kg, and the ash content does not exceed 0.4%.
Poltarex Premium pellet meets all the above mentioned requirements.

Using Poltarex pellet you can be sure that you are using product of the highest quality.

Why choose our products?

Quality confirmed by european certificates

Experience  from 1975 

Regular quality checks in a modern lab

Pellet without extras. 100% of wood

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